The Last of Us review: Episode 6

Everyone knows the drill at this point. It’s time to talk about the latest episode of The Last of Us. I do believe this was possibly the worst episode of the series so far but that means nothing because it was still great.

There will be spoilers throughout this review so please read with caution.

This episode was all about setting up the final two episodes of the season. It was the first time we saw Jackson, Wyoming, the town where Joel’s brother, Tommy, lives. In the first game, this reunion happens at a compound of some sort and we don’t get to see this small town until the second installment of the game. But, it looked spot on compared to the game. There was even an easter egg of an important character from The Last of Us Part II.

I loved the interaction with Tommy and Joel in the workshop. It showed the most character growth for Joel; you can see how he worries about Ellie like a daughter. A man with no fear begins to worry about every detail because he wants to make sure that Ellie is always safe. This could be because he either sees Ellie like a daughter or because she’s the cure. 

This also was the first time we see Ellie begin to confront Joel about his past with Sarah. Both characters hadn’t been vulnerable together up until this point. Ellie always knew how much she needed Joel, but we realize that Joel needs Ellie just as much. I thought it was some of the best acting from the show and one of the more intense scenes.

Arguably, the most suspenseful scene for myself was when the dog was sniffing Ellie to make sure she wasn’t infected. The editing for it was perfect along with the facial acting from Pascal and Ellie. Even I thought she was going to get attacked, and I played the games. 

There really isn’t too much to talk about because this was mainly a set up episode for the finish line. I just love what they have done with this show, and I truly am excited to see the rest of this journey play out.
Rating: 84/100 – Fire